Published: March 12, 2023
Buena Park, California
How HECVAT Lite Can Help Educational Institutions Address Compliance Requirements
As a manufacturer of digital display kiosks used in the education sector, we are committed to ensuring our products meet the highest standards of compliance and security.

At Eflyn, we understand the importance of data security and privacy in educational institutions. As a manufacturer of digital display kiosks used in the education sector, we are committed to ensuring our products meet the highest standards of compliance and security.
One way we demonstrate this commitment is through the completion of the HECVAT Lite assessment. HECVAT (Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit) is a comprehensive security and privacy assessment designed specifically for higher education institutions. HECVAT Lite is a condensed version of the assessment that is intended for use by vendors, like us, who provide products and services to these institutions.
HECVAT Lite covers six major categories, including data governance, risk management, access management, network security, application security, and physical security. Each category includes detailed questions about various aspects of security and privacy, and vendors must provide responses to demonstrate their compliance.
At Eflyn, we have completed the HECVAT Lite assessment and made our vendor response available online to interested educational institutions. Our response demonstrates our compliance with the HECVAT Lite requirements and our commitment to ensuring the security and privacy of data in the education sector.
We believe that completing the HECVAT Lite assessment is an important step for any vendor working with educational institutions. By providing a standardized assessment, HECVAT helps ensure that vendors are meeting the same high standards for security and privacy that institutions expect. This helps reduce the risk of data breaches and other security incidents, which can have serious consequences for both the institution and the vendor.
At Eflyn, we are proud to be HECVAT Lite compliant and to provide our customers with the peace of mind that comes with knowing their data is secure. We encourage other vendors in our industry to follow suit and complete the HECVAT Lite assessment to demonstrate their commitment to compliance and security in the education sector.
If you would like to learn more about our HECVAT Lite compliance or have any questions about our security and privacy practices, please contact us at [email protected].